=== Ninja Forms - Stripe Extension === Contributors: kstover, jameslaws, kbjohnson, klhall1987, Much2tall, ericwindham, wpnzach Donate link: http://ninjaforms.com Tags: form, forms Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 3.2.0 License: GPLv2 or later == Description == The Ninja Forms Stripe Extension allows users to accept payments through their forms using the Stripe Payments system. == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload the `ninja-forms-stripe` directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Visit the 'Forms' menu item in your admin sidebar 4. When you create a form, you will have now have Stripe options on the form settings page. == Use == For help and video tutorials, please visit our website: [NinjaForms.com](http://ninjaforms.com) == Changelog == = 3.2.0 (4 October 2022) *New Features:* - Add new payment methods - wallets, bank transfers - Enable use of new Stripe API version 01/22 *Other:* - Logger for technical support = 3.1.4 (2 March 2022) *Bug Fixes:* * Update library for PHP 8 * Add metabox to new core submissions page = 3.1.3 (25 September 2019) = *Bugs:* * Resolved an issue that was causing a conflict with our PayPal Express add-on accepting payments on the same form. *Changes:* * Added a trial period setting for subscriptions in the Stripe action. This is to resolve Stripe's support deprecation of trial periods defined on plans. = 3.1.2 (16 September 2019) = *Bugs:* * Stripe associated merge tags should now be working properly in actions. * Product descriptions now properly save on Stripe's end. * Resolved an issue that was causing live transactions to display as test data in the submission editor. * Forms should now properly complete after payment on forms that do not have a store submission action. * Resolved an issue that sometimes caused an Invalid Positive Integar error on form submission. = 3.1.1 (14 August 2019) = *Bugs:* * Cancelling a payment should now properly redirect you back to the form. * Resolved an issue that was sometimes causing the API key modal to open in the builder when adding other actions to the form. = 3.1.0 (13 August 2019) = *Changes:* * Updated to the new Stripe Checkout. = 3.0.22 (8 May 2019) = *Bugs:* * The checkout modal should now work when multiple instances of the same form exist on a page. = 3.0.21 (4 February 2019) = *Bugs:* Resolved an issue that sometimes caused Stripe to fire when it should have been conditionally disabled. = 3.0.20 (11 January 2019) = *Bugs:* * The Stripe action should no longer throw an error when previewing an unpublished form. * Resolved an issue that was preventing Stripe from loading on forms where Save Progress was enabled. = 3.0.19 (5 July 2018) = *Bugs:* * Resolved an issue that sometimes caused inactive Stripe actions to still be processed on submit. * Using Conditional Logic to select which Stripe action to fire should now work properly. = 3.0.18 (1 May 2018) = *Bugs:* * Recurring payments should now process, even if an email address is only specified in the Checkout modal. = 3.0.17 (26 April 2018) = *Changes:* * Stripe API key settings should now be in the same order as they appear in the Stripe dashboard. * Added a new form template for making a basic payment. *Bugs:* * Resolved an issue that was sometimes causing the Checkout modal to not open properly upon submission. = 3.0.16 (17 April 2018) = *Bugs:* * Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the Checkout modal to not open for actions setup with recurring payment plans. * Form currency settings should now be honored by the Checkout modal pay button. = 3.0.15 (26 March 2018) = *Changes:* * The display of shipping address settings can now be toggled on and off in the form builder. * The total can now be displayed in the payment button of the Checkout modal by using {{amount}}. * Added a link to Stripe API settings from the form builder for quick reference. * Bitcoin has been removed from the payment options. (If you already have this feature enabled, it will continue to function until you either turn it off or Stripe ends support for it on April 23, 2018.) * Added Stripe to the list of actions as an alias for collect payment to help avoid confusion. *Bugs:* * Stripe should no longer fire an action when the payment total is 0. = 3.0.14 (26 February 2018) = *Changes:* * Failed payments should now be more obvious in submission records. * Refined the look and feel of the new API key helper. = 3.0.13 (12 February 2018) = *Changes:* * Metadata now attaches to the customer record for recurring payments. * Added shipping address mapping for the Stripe action. * Stripe Checkout button can now be customized. * An email field on the form can now be used to autopopulate the email field in Stripe Checkout. * Added an API key helper to the form builder for first time Stripe action setup. * Credit card fields have been deprecated in favor of the Sripe Checkout payment method. * Admin settings for Stripe Checkout should now better reflect their intention. *Bugs:* * All Stripe errors should now be caught on failed submissions. = 3.0.12 (17 January 2018) = *Bugs:* * Resolved an issue that sometimes caused metadata settings to lose track of what fields were mapped to them. = 3.0.11 (02 August 2017) = *Bugs:* * Stripe should now work properly with the Save Progress add-on. * Stripe API keys should no longer be removed upon form import. * Upgrading to version 3.0 should now populate the payment total of the Collect Payment action properly. = 3.0.10 (12 July 2017) = *Changes:* * Added merge tags for Last 4, Card Brand, Customer ID, and Charge ID. * Form errors should now prevent the Stripe Checkout Modal from appearing. = 3.0.9 (31 May 2017) = *Changes:* * Added the option to send arbitrary metadata to Stripe in the Collect Payment action settings. = 3.0.8 (02 May 2017) = *Changes:* * Transaction ID should now be appended to CSV exports and attachments. *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug that caused submission processing to fail when using Stripe. = 3.0.7 (02 March 2017) = *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug that could cause Stripe to crash on old versions of PHP. = 3.0.6 (01 March 2017) = *Changes:* * Added support for Stripe Checkout. If you do not add credit card fields to your form, Stripe Checkout will be used. * Stripe can now be used with Conditional Logic. = 3.0.5 (20 December 2016) = *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug that could cause Stripe Errors to be reported incorrectly to the user. = 3.0.4 (01 November 2016) = *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug with card errors blocking re-submission. * Fixed a bug with using the plugin default currency. = 3.0.3 (04 October 2016) = *Bugs:* * Conditionally hiding credit card fields should prevent Stripe from processing. = 3.0.2 (06 September 2016) = * Updating to v3.0.2 for compatibility fix. = 3.0.1 (06 September 2016) = *Bugs:* * Fixing a bug with currency settings for Ninja Forms Three. = 3.0.0 (10 August 2016) = * Updated with Ninja Forms v3.x compatibility * Deprecated Ninja Forms v2.9.x compatible code = 1.0.10 (09 September 2015) = *Changes:* * Customers should now be created in Stripe after their charge. = 1.0.9 (08 September 2015) = *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug that could cause multiple Stripe enabled forms to fail if they were on the same page. = 1.0.8 (12 May 2015) = *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug that could cause failed transactions to prevent future transactions from resolving properly. *Changes:* * Changed the position of the live and test keys to match the Stripe Dashboard. = 1.0.7 (17 November 2014) = *Bugs:* * Removed the "is this a Stripe Item" option from non-processing fields like descriptions and submit buttons. * Updated i18n support. * Fixed a bug that prevented a Stripe form from working properly on a page with a non-Stripe form. = 1.0.6 (22 September 2014) = *Changes:* * Added a .pot file for translation. = 1.0.5 (12 August 2014) = *Bugs:* * Fixed a bug with thousand separators. * Fixed a bug that prevented non-USD currency from being selected in some cases. *Changes:* * Added a shortcode for displaying/sending Stripe charge ids: [nf_stripe_charge_id]. = 1.0.4 (24 July 2014) = *Changes:* * Compatibility with Ninja Forms 2.7. = 1.0.3 = *Bugs:* * Stripe should now work properly in all multi-part forms implementations. = 1.0.2 = *Changes:* * More logic to help prevent conflicts with other Stripe plugins. = 1.0.1 = *Changes:* * Added some logic to detect and attempt to prevent conflicts with other Stripe plugins. = 1.0 = * Initial release